Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday in Kauai

Finally! I have caught up on my blogs and it actually IS Saturday!
Keith called and we are set for a trip up to his reserve at 2:00pm. He will be with the movie directors, scouting the location for a new movie. And we all will be tagging along. We will be met at the gate by the Sheriff, a friend of Keith's, who is a real character. So that will be fun.

Davy is going to meet up with Sean and Isa, down at Hanalei. He is disappointed he won't be able to go with Keith, but the timing just isn't working out. He and Sean might do a little surfing at Hanalei bay.

Correction: We drove Davy and the 2 surfboards to the Retreat House where the wedding people are staying. Davy decided to just remain at the retreat, so we left the surfboards with him there, since he is staying there for the next 2 days.
What a good choice that was! When Todd and I got to Hanalei bay, there were absolutely NO waves!! It was calm like a pond! So I called Davy and told him the news, so we made the right decision.

This is Hanalei Bay through my sunglasses. Not a wave in sight!

We met up with Joy, Jan and Tom in Hanalei and traveled on to Keith's reserve in one car.
There we met Keke and Logan, who are scouting for the new movie "Predators", and we packed into two trucks to drive up the mountain, with Keith as our guide. I got to sit in the nice, air conditioned Tundra truck with Carl, the Sheriff. everyone else had to sit in the back of the truck.
Needless to say, my trip was very luxurious, with a good supply of gum, peanuts and popcorn, and no mosquitos. In fact, I stayed in the truck the whole trip! everyone else jumped out at every stop to go with Keith and the 2 scouts to see more detail. Carl and I sat and talked about everything under the sun, especially the Bible! He used to be a pastor and he knows so much about the Bible, I learned alot!

This is the rear view of a feral pig. This is what the hunters come here for.

We are waiting for Keith to come to open his gate.

Logan, Keith and Joy looking around for details.

This is Keith's valley.

You can see that the road is not traveled very often.

We left at sunset. What a great day!

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