Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Baby!

I started to name him "Harry", but now I think I'll call him "Cotton". He is sooo soft!
And no, it's not a kangaroo!

Lorrie with the baby. The baby only weighs a few pounds. He feels like a feather!

This is the Mama Llama...up close.

Judi has never been kissed by a Llama.

You can see, a lot has been going on since my last post in June. Here is a new baby. Do you know what it is? At first look, you might think it is a little kangaroo, but, of course it isn't. He is a brand new baby Llama! He was a surprise. Lorrie didn't know her llama was pregnant. It seems Diel, the male llama, got into the pasture with the 2 girl llamas about 11 months ago. So there you go. Nature happens.

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