Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Troy Young's Ordination

Troy Young's Ordination
Originally uploaded by Todd & Barbara
Sunday, February 24th was the day that all of us at Pole Line Road Baptist Church came to the realization that, yes, Troy Young, definitely is moving on to his next calling. Troy was ordained as Youth Pastor at the Vacaville Trinity Baptist Church in a beautiful, meaningful ceremony. His beautiful family, wife Tracy, children Ashley, Josh, Abigail and Jacob were all a part of the ceremony.
Exter and Jeff, our pastors, participated as well as Yemi and our Deacons.
We will all miss the Youngs...(that leaves an entire pew empty!) But mostly, we'll miss Troy's inspiration and the beautiful example of his Christian family. Fortunately, they are not far away and so I know we will be seeing them often. Todd & I also will have fun checking out Troy's photography!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for doing this Todd and Barbara. We love you both. Great photos...LOVE your work :)

Hey, is there like a simple link between a flickr album and blogger?