Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hunter's First Birthday!

"Aw! that's where I want to be."

Terry and Dillon arrive to celebrate.

September 12: Hunter is now one year old. It's hard to believe he is about to enter Toddler-hood. But now he is crawling and life is changing for both him and Kelly and Cy! I had told Kelly to enjoy every minute of his non-ambulatory life because she is entering a whole new realm of motherhood. Her new cry will be "Where's Hunter?"

Anyway, Hunter had a really cool party. Wonderful friends and family were there and even a little pal of Hunter's showed up...Dillon. Dillon watched all the activity and his father told him, "Don't worry, Dillon, you will have all this fun pretty soon". (Dillon is a few months younger than Hunter.)

Kelly's Mom and Sister made great snacks. There was even Champagne! Not many first birthdays were that fancy! Hunter wasn't too impressed with all the activity, but he did enjoy his Birthday Balloons and a few of his presents. And as for the cake...well, Hunter preferred his cheerios.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Play on Words

Here is a fun site to play with:
These are words from my recent blogs: click on the picture to see them in larger format.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Babysitting Hunter

We had a great adventure this week. Little Hunter was entrusted to us for about 3 hours- ie. the length of the Batman movie. This was a big event because Hunter had not stayed with us for that amount of time before. So this is how our day progressed: After Mommy left, Hunter, with a tear in his eye, quickly started storytime.

Next came weightlifting practice. And lots of photos.

Hunter says, "Enough with the cameras and pictures!"

So it was back to the books.

Now it is time for a walk to the park! Never mind that it is over 100 degrees by now. We just have to go to the park. Don't forget the hat.

Whee! First a great swing with Barbara pushing, Todd photographing.

Oh boy, Wood chips. Mommy never let me sit in this stuff. I'll dig holes here with my feet.
(Mommy was quite surprised when she changed my diapers later...lots of wood chips)

After the walk to the park, Hunter was a little dirty, and sporting his first sunburn. So the best thing for that is a little dip in the kitchen sink. Note the rosey cheeks and legs.

And now it's time to relax, watch some Wiggles on TV and snack on Graham Crackers with Uncle Todd.

As you can see, Hunter just wore himself out. He was ready for a nap and ready for Mom. Luckily, she returned soon after this picture! Boy, was he happy to see her!